Mission trips to Africa
Join us in spreading love, hope, and opportunity to children in need.
We are all about being hands-on and truly empowering the communities of Uganda.
Our volunteers take part in a range of activities including, but not limited to Educational support, Mentorship programs, community development, cultural exchange, arts and crafts, music dance and drama among others. These activities not only contribute to the immediate well being of children but also help in building a foundation for their future development.
We have a variety of trips that volunteers participate in, Not only will you help the orphans, vulnerable children and people of Uganda, they will also touch your heart as you interact with them and serve. For more information, please send us an email at info@joliquefoundation.org
Jolique Childrens Camp
Over Christmas break, children from diverse communities come together for a week long transformation camp where they share the love of Jesus Christ, are equipped with several skills, have fun and interact with each other. Consider volunteering with us for this impactful camp and bring a smile to these little ones.
Family Mission Trips
”a family that works together, stays together’ Bring your brother, sister, cousin, parents, children, or the entire family. This trip will transform your family as you work side by side, share profound memories to serve others.
Medical Camp
Free medical care is extended to communities in need during this medical mission. We need professional and non professional medical personnel volunteers with a heart for medical outreach to serve and restore a life to better health.